Thursday, July 19, 2012

HISTORICON 2012 Thursday

(Picture captions will be added when the convention is over.)
Battle of the Alma”
The Last of the Old Battles,
20th September 1854
19th Century

Hosted by: Mike Fijalka;
 Scale: 28mm; Rules: Black Powder;

Allied players, can you take the Russian guns
in the Great and Lesser Redoubts and open the
road to Sevastopol? Russian players, can you
stop the Allies from gaining a foothold in the
Crimea? The game is based on the book “The
Battle of the Alma 1854 First Blood to the Allies”
by Ian Fletcher and Natalia Ishchenko.

The Battle of the Alma,  just like in Wargames Illustrated 295
Paul Delaney III and his gaming group spent quite a bit of time working on the Orders Of Battle for their massive Battle Of Alma game, featured in WI295.

A view from behind the Light Division and Highland brigade looking toward the Great Redoubt

Looking from my position behind the Light Division over toward Telegraph Hill

View of the Great Redoubt from the British perspective
View of the Great Redoubt from the British perspective
View of the Great Redoubt from the British perspective
View of the Great Redoubt from the British perspective
A look further to the Allied Right where the French and Turks will assault Telegraph Hill
A view of the Lesser Redoubt
A view of the Lesser Redoubt
My command the 2 brigades of the Light Division

The Russian defenders of Telegraph Hill

My main opponent for the day

Russian view of my position

Our Game Master giving the pregame talk

The Rifles move out to skirmish
A view of the Allied right advancing
Crossing the Alma River is a pain
Especially when you can not advance because of Russian artillery.  The red lines markers in front of my units signify DISORDER, no DISORDERED unit may advance toward the enemy but must remain in place and reform.
The traffic jam caused by the intermingling of the brigades
The British attempt to cross the Alma is slowed by Russian guns
Russsians advance to attack the British 2nd Division to the right of my position
Looking left from my position at more Russians advancing to engage
My view of Russians who have sent my Rifle skirmishers reeling
The 2nd Division has some of it's regiments charges by multiple Russian battalions
The Russians press hard upon the 2nd Division to my immediate right.
A closer view of the Russian onslaught
A closer view of the Russian onslaught
A soldiers view of my left flank
A soldiers view of my center
A soldiers view of my right flank
A unit of my Light Division surged forward to drive back the Russian horde
Multiple Russians pick on regiments of the 2nd Division
Multiple Russians pick on regiments of the 2nd Division
Mugging for the camera while my friend Jay Stribling take the picture

My 2nd Brigade of the Light Division surge forward to aid our brothers of the 2nd Division
The Guards Brigade finally cross the Alme
Long view of the Allied right
The 2nd Brigade joins into the melee
Victory shies upon British arms in melee

Victory shies upon British arms in melee
The Russian Commanders begin to realize that the Allies are finally getting their act together

The great Allied push for the Great Redoubt begins

The Great Redoubt has been cleared. Hurray, Hurray, Hurray,

The first wave of Russian aggressors have been eliminated
A Russian battalion has penetrated close to the Alma
2nd Brigade of the Light Division storms the Great Redoubt
Where oh where did the Russians go?  After artillery and musket fire the Russians just went away.

2nd Brigade of the Light Division storms the Great Redoubt.
1st Brigade of the Light Division eradicate Russian opposition before the Great Redoubt

1 comment:

  1. What a magnificent battle. When you get time, could you list some of the statistics (how many figures, how big's the table, number of players, etc.)? Wonderful job. - Mike
